July 20th is WPUG day

On July 20th there are 2, yes 2, Windows Phone User Group events taking place. One is in London, the other in Cardiff.
If you’re interested in designing or developing for Windows Phone and can get to either then register and come along.

Register for the London event at http://wpug12.eventbrite.com/

Register for the Cardiff event at http://cardiff-wpug.eventbrite.com/

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One Response to July 20th is WPUG day

  1. Ian Walker says:

    Shame I won’t be able to make either meeting.

    If you get a chance please highlight to UK devs the issue with non payment for HSBC related banks such as First Direct (http://rd3d2.wordpress.com/2011/07/19/if-you-are-a-uk-developer-and-bank-with-first-direct-then-read-this/)

    Thanks, hope they go well.


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