After the success of last time, we’re back and we’re bigger and better. We’ve even moved to a bigger venue so more people can come!
The format will be the same as our first meeting and will contain a combination of talks and demos combined with a generous helping of Q&A.
Talks will be on a variety of development related subjects (sorry, we’re still waiting to confirm exactly what bit Matt Lacey, Mike Ormond and possibly one other will be presenting) plus there will be some people there with prototype devices so you should get a chance to see what they’re really going to be like.
At WPUG we love seeing the applications that people are developing. If you’re coming and would like to give a short (5 minute) demonstration of an application you’ve developed please get in touch. Applications can be developed by individuals or organisations and everyone giving a demo will be in with a chance to win a special (but currently secret) prize courtesy of Microsoft.
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